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Photography Composition

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Here you find all my photography composition tutorials. If you have any suggestions about my photography composition tutorials, feel free to contact me.

Photography Composition

Unusual View Angle

Different view angle of cathedral of Palma

12.11.2007 Category: Photography Composition
A view angle can be used to create compelling composition to a photo. By choosing unusual angle of view, one can create a composition that is something out of the ordinary. You often see photos of famous sights that are photographed from the eye level and straight from in front of the sight. Many photos are taken from the most natural location and view angle which is of course logical. However, it means that many photos taken by different people from the same sight might look somewhat similar.

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Things to Avoid in a Photograph

Butterfly according to rule of thirds

27.09.2007 Category: Photography Composition
One usually tries to compose the elements of a photograph in a pleasing and interesting way. Often one tries to utilize certain rule or style that has been verified to work. Photography composition can be approached also from another perspective. When composing a photo one can think about things that should be avoided in the composition. In my opinion, once the good composition has been found, one should check certain things that can generally speaking be considered as mistakes in image composition.

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Frames in Photos

Photography composition using frames

06.09.2007 Category: Photography Composition
Works of art are often surrounded by frames. Frames guide the eye of the viewer inside of the picture. Frames also help to keep the eye of the viewer inside of the picture. Frames can be easily added to digital photos in image processing but that is not the only way to create frames. You can also include a frame inside of your photo to enhance the composition. You can take advantage of frames that can be found from the world around you.

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Give Space to Subjects of the Photo

Girl sitting by the pool

26.07.2007 Category: Photography Composition
When we see a person looking at something, we often tend to look at the same direction. We are also used to the idea that people, animals and vehicles have a certain direction to where they are going. We assume that they move forward. This is a matter that should be taken into consideration in photography composition. It's often distracting if there is a person, an animal or a vehicle on the edge of the photo that seems to be moving away from the photo and we can't see where to.

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Meaning of Depth of Field

Landscape photo with large depth of field

21.06.2007 Category: Photography Composition
Depth of field is a characteristic of a camera that can be used to enhance the image composition of the photo. Depth of field means the sharp area surrounding the point of focus. The magnitude of the sharp area is affected by several factors: distance between the camera and the subject, focal length and aperture.

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Photograph Close

Close-up photo of a turtle

21.06.2007 Category: Photography Composition
A photo might lack interest because the subject is too far away. People are often afraid that the subject won't fit inside the frame and leave a lot of empty space around the subject. This often yields a boring photo where the subject is too far away and in the middle of the photo. It's often a good idea to take the photo up close. It's not always even necessary to fit the entire subject inside the frame. It might be enough, and even better, to show just a part of the subject.

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Simple Composition

Simple composition in a photo

21.06.2007 Category: Photography Composition
The saying "less is more" is often true in image composition. The photo is often more beautiful and effective if unnecessary elements are left out of the frame. A common mistake is to try to include all possible things in one photo. It is often wise to include only one clear center of interest into the photo. When you are taking a photo, you should check if there are any distracting elements on the edges of the frame. The photos on this page are examples of simple yet effective compositions. In fact one reason why they work is their simplicity.

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Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds and photography composition

21.06.2007 Category: Photography Composition
Rule of thirds is one of the most well-known rule of image composition. Rule of thirds is very easy to learn and adapt in practice.

Often people place the main subject of the photograph into the middle of the frame. This only seldom yields to the best possible composition except if there is one clear subjects which is photographed very close. Of course there are exceptions to this.

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Image Composition

balanced comosition in a photograph

21.06.2007 Category: Photography Composition
Image composition describes how different subjects and visual elements are arranged inside of the image frame. The purpose of image composition is to create a visually compelling picture, a picture that evokes the interest of the viewer. A successful shot attracts the eye for a while. Visual elements that a photographer uses in the composition are for example lines, forms, textures, balance, symmetry, depth, colors, perspective, scale, and lighting. A picture can tell a thousand words but how to create such a photo?

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